Hello everyone! Happy New Year for 2012!
Well 2012 for me will bring many changes especially for my blog. I have decided that I am going to change it up some here on the blog as I am quite tired of just doing cards and things. My daughter Courtney will be re-designing my blog in the near future to reflect these changes. So let me share with you what I will be doing. . . .my main love is cooking especially with fresh ingredients and I have not had much of a chance to do that in the past two years as I need to have a double knee replacement. I have finally seen the specialist and after checking out the x-rays he said to me I am surprised you can walk at all judging by these pics. But I have decided that if I want to cook then I will just have to do it and push through the pain or take extra painkillers when I do cook. I have a stool in my kitchen thanks to my scrubby and that helps heaps. So what this means is I will be doing recipes and taking pics of the finished dishes and putting them up on my blog with the recipe included for those that want to try it for themselves. We put a small vegetable garden in this year and in the first pic is our very first crop of cherry tomatoes and there are more ripening as I type this post hehehe. The second pic is of my daughter Ashleigh and grandaughter Sophie with my very first bunch of shallots/spring onions and we were as proud as new parents when we picked them lol.
I went to a New Years Eve party last night to my besties house and made Spanish Meatballs (my own recipe) and Garlic Prawns (also my own recipe) but I forgot to take pics so I cannot post the recipes but I will make them again down the road as I have fallen in love with Tapas and my daughter Courtney bought me a variety of traditional tapas dishes and a traditional Paella pan for christmas so look out for all the tapas dishes to come.
In the meantime. . . .
Always walk about your day with absolute beauty!
The Gypsy
I love what is happening with your blog and can't wait to see more. Your garden looks like you will be reaping the rewards for quite awhile. The tomatoes and scallions look yummy!
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